Thursday, 19 March 2009

Wiki Owner

Stewart Mader points us to Sarah Denman's look at the four groups most likely to be involved in a wiki or other enterprise 2.0 implementations. The list is:

  • IT
  • HR - and no it doesn't include learning or training - it's more the compliance side of HR.
  • Business
  • Executives
Obviously, I'm posting because most people reading this will say that learning or training is missing from this list. The responses to Lead the Charge suggested that we should be leading this, but we don't seem to be even involved.

From Masie's recent social learning survey it appears that there is a lot of adoption by learning professionals.

Do you use any of the following technologies in your organization? Choose all that apply
Technologies Used Percent %
Corporate Collaboration Portal (eg. Sharepoint) 57%
Peer Coaching/Teaching 52%
Media sharing (images, videos) 48%
Collaborative Spaces - Wikis 47%
Blogs 45%
Learning Systems for Social Learning (LMS/LCMS) 42%
Social Networks 41%
Employee Profiles 33%
Content Ratings and Reviews 13%
Twitter and Mobile Content 12%

So I'm not 100% sure I get the disconnect. Why are we not seen as a player when it comes to Wiki or Enterprise 2.0 ownership? How come Stewart and Sarah left us out?

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