Monday, 2 March 2009

SharePoint Update

SharePoint in Corporate Learning

One of the hardest things for me to find are good examples of how people are really using web 2.0 inside organizations. This is a great opportunity to hear lots of examples of what they are doing with SharePoint around Corporate Learning in a wide variety of organizations.

Live Sessions:

  • Tuesday March 10, 8 - 10 AM Pacific
  • Thursday March 12, 8 - 9 AM Pacific

Community discussion will occur in between.

Register Here. If you are interested in attending, go to the Learn Trends Ning Site and sign-up. Make sure you register for the event. We will make announcements through that site.

Michael Palko

Solution Education Manager
The Healthcare Business of Thomson Reuters

Michael will talk about how he's using SharePoint to manage The Training Space, an internal learning community that connects and "cross pollinates" teams. Community members contribute their own unique experience and draw from the group’s collective intelligence using all the tools that web 2.0 has to offer.
Allison Anderson


Leadership Learning Environments


Using SharePoint as a one-stop-stop for our Career Development instructors around the globe, to access the tools and resources they need. Instructors teach in pairs, so this site helps them find partners around the globe. Includes a corporate calendar to show where the workshop is taught worldwide, and a discussion board for sharing best-known-methods. We’ll talk about what has worked… and what has not.
Cindi Wiggin


Leadership Learning Environments


Tom Smith

Faculty of Education Technology,

Higher Colleges of Technology,

Abu Dhabi Women's College

SharePoint and its development in Staff Training in an overseas tertiary college environment
Michael Glazer


Burson-Marsteller University

Sharing examples of social learning features in a training program. How the university is beginning to make connections between training collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
Andrew Smith

Learning Technology Specialist


How Tele-Atlas uses SharePoint as a platform for informal learning.
Celia Bohle

Advanced Learning TEchnologies Program Manager


SharePoint for a Marketing Online Learning Community
Kevin Kussman

IPG Go-To-Market Learning and Development


Dominika Merzenich

Workforce Development Specialist/IPG Go-To-Market Learning and Development


Anne Adrian

Associate Director, ACES-Ag IT, Auburn Extension

Internal and External use of SharePoint with Feeds, searches, aggregatred feeds. Anne will describe how SharePoint is used and impl;emented to prduce public blogs and web sites based on feeds from categories and locations. She will also describe how SharePoint internal collaboration sites are used and the value of authnticated searches in SharePoint.

Brian Dusablon

Performance Consultant


The role of SharePoint in our onboarding process including: early access, easy to find key information, well of resources and anniversary profiles.

The role of SharePoint in New Supervisor Orientation including: Training programs, Templates and guides and Testimonials.

Other possible participants are from Valvoline/Ashland and Microsoft Learning.

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